Before I could realize, what I am doing I had bitten into her ne

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Before I could realize, what I am doing I had bitten into her neck, and I am draining her blood I can’t stop no matter hard I try, her breathing and heart is starting to slow down rapidly, I can feel the strength leaving her, please no, I can’t let it end like this, please, don’t let it happen like this, please, I just can’t.

In a matter of minutes, Sara’s heart stops and I hear her last breath leave her and I know she’s gone, I’ve lost everything once again.” I’m so sorry” I say now as tears are rolling down my face “please, don’t die, please just come back, I love you, please don’t leave me, I can’t do this on my own Sara, please”. I let out scream of pure, infinite pain, pain that shatters me to pieces, that now will never leave me “Nooo!” silence envelops me “Please God, if you exist, please kill me now, I’m truly nothing, please let me go with her, it’s all I’ll ever ask of you, please I’m begging you” as if I said nothing.


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