The underlying story is about a hill-tribe chieftain who sees a

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The underlying story is about a hill-tribe chieftain who sees a girl and falls in love at first sight. She falls for him too.[3] Her foster-sister senses what is going on, and she arranges them to meet to enjoy each other in "beautiful groves of the forest".[3][7] Overwhelmed by the experience of first love, her behavior at home changes. Her parents see the strangeness and suspect something is going on.[3] They do not guess there is a lover involved but presume possession by spirits. They invite exorcists to treat their daughter.[3] Her foster-sister intervenes and tells them the entire story, along with how the young man saved her life twice recently, once from drowning and another from a charging elephant. The parents feel that the young man would make a good husband, so they consent to their marriage.[3] They did not approve of their premarital illicit love, but the love poem describes how the boy kept seeing the girl every night, and how she worried about her lover's journey throug


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