Short Play Script: "Embezzlement for Tips" Scene 1: Bank Office

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Short Play Script: "Embezzlement for Tips"

Scene 1: Bank Office

(Lily is sitting at her desk, staring anxiously at her computer screen. The screen shows a livestream where she is tipping the streamer.)

Colleague A: (Noticing) Lily, you’re watching that stream again? You’ve seemed a bit off lately.

Lily: (Quickly closing the screen, trying to cover up) It’s nothing, just taking a little break.

Colleague A: Are you okay? If there’s anything wrong, you can talk to us.

Lily: (Forcing a smile) I’m fine, thanks for asking.

(Colleague A walks away, and Lily resumes tipping, looking increasingly anxious.)

Lily: (Whispering to herself) I have to keep sending gifts, or he’ll stop noticing me…


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